Τετάρτη 1 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

Α perverted Kurdish version of the Iliad..

If I had talent, I would write a perverted Kurdish version of the Iliad, where the angry Achilles would be the Kurdish Saladin, who after the betrayal of the Arab and Turkish allies against the Kurds, being angry, would join the Crusader camp, defeat the Islamic army and then would turned against the crusaders as well, giving Jerusalem to the Jews and the Kurds.
Azerbaijan is an ally of Israel and of course Turkey (brotherly nation, brotherly nationalisms) and Armenia is an ally of (theocratic) Iran.
What's up with the Iranian Azeris?
Do they follow the nationalism of Azeris of Azerbaijan?
Do they follow the choices of their parent nation?
I'm afraid so, if not all, certainly many.
The combination of Iranian theocrats and Armenia on one side and Azeri Turks and Israelis on the other, and somewhere in the dark conspiratorial depths of Russia, worries me deeply.
How can a socialist democratic revolution in Iran proceed without falling into semi-dictatorial Bonapartism if it does not peacefully and through free will seal off the Azeri minority (in a similar case, also the Arab minority) from the influence of adventurous nationalists outside of Iran?
Everyone is suspicious of the Kurds who have shown with their blood, to the point of becoming almost fools, their intention of unity with the entire Iranian people, and no one is talking about the real problem which is Azeri nationalism, which under the strange help by Israel and Turkey may cause the disintegration of Iran.
Everyone blames, slanders, vilifies and hates Kurdish nationalists for (real or imaginary) suspected links with the West and Zionism, but they are deliberately or stupidly wrong to blame them, because Kurds, of all ideological shades, are good guys, they speak openly and they are not intransigent separatists, although they have the right to be.
On the contrary, when the discussion turns to the Arab minority of southwestern Iran or the Azeri minority of northwestern Iran, there is an excess of respect and a cover-up of the dangers for the democratic revolution in Iran due to the connection of these minorities with many very reactionary centers outside Iran (Turkey, Israel, Arab countries, anything but progressive).
Do you know what I have to say to the Iranians and especially the Persian Iranian leftists?
You respect those you fear more (Azeris and Arabs), and you don't respect those (Kurds) who have shown that they are your given brothers, and weaker in reality, despite their alliances with the west and Israel.
I'm sorry, but this is a bad sign for you.
Show not, less respect to your milder, more peaceful, more brotherly brother, and more respect to your harsher, angrier, less brotherly brother.
Show respect to all your brothers, but more to him who shows more patience, more fidelity, more intention of unity with you.
If you do the opposite, it will be as if you are rewarding the tendency towards inappropriate behavior and as if you are punishing the best behavior.
I have experienced it in my life, the best is treated as a given, as something certain and safe naïve and then neglected, while the awkward and dangerous for divisive and competitive intentions and actions is treated as recpectable and smarter that must be vorgived.
I mentioned just before what I consider proper in retribution for proper or improper fraternal conduct.
The big question for me is:
When the brother rewards the wrong behavior towards him, i.e. he honors and respects the one who does not cares about him, and does not respect you who have shown solidarity and unity with him, then what do you do?
My heart cries out, makes a great noise, to the ears of my mind:
"Let you betray the traitor to the brotherhood, also abandoned the one who covered him justifying this betrayal - let be betrayed from you too".
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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