Κυριακή 12 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

What is really important, however, is the critical non-religious return to Marx's work and the critical positive and cool reconstruction of it.

All Marxist thematization of democratic revolutions after the Leninist Paradigm has been created in relation to the transition from a pre-capitalist to a capitalist society and in relation to the development of capitalism in (once) dependent non-Western countries under the rule of Western capitalism-imperialism.
But Marx himself examined in a contradictory, sometimes sectarian ideological way, often with a supergenius open-mindedness way (this "combination" was Marx) the democratic revolutions within a dominant and already developed (for his time, but also with general criteria) capitalism.
I think the time has come to leave Lenin, his theories of democratic revolution and "imperialism" are snare, for to the radical thinking of the working class and wage-earning semi-proletarian and petty-bourgeois social strata, despite the evidence of truth they contain.
Critical return to Marx, repudiation of Lenin, this is the way.
But let me clarify some things here:
There has been criticism of Leninism from the left and from anarchism (and neo-anarchism), emerging many times the distinction between Marx and Lenin, as we mentioned above.
We mention for example Pannekoek, Gorter, i.e. the left anti-Leninist communism that developed in central Europe and was treated in the well-known vulgar libel and misinterpretation way by this aggressive lawyer, I mean Lenin, in his unacceptable slanderous distorting pamphlet "Leftism, the childhood illness of communism''.
Our detachment from Lenin and the desired return to the Marxist Paradigm as it can be understood in complete distinction from the Leninist Paradigm, is not based on this way chosen by the "left communists", since according to our own opinion this way, which -in fact- heralds the late ultra-left and hybrid anarcho-Marxism (workers' autonomy, etc.), is indeed possessed by a dogmatism, sectarianism and not rational criticism of both Lenin and Marx himself.
Of course, Lenin's slanderous and misleading criticism of the "left communists" refers to these negative elements, but in a way that we don't want to have anything to do with the way we choose.
At the very least, we need to see what these people were really saying, beyond the vulgar insults and slanders of Lenin and his descendants against them.
What is really important, however, is the critical non-religious return to Marx's work and the critical positive and cool reconstruction of it, also in the points we mentioned.
Leninism (Trotskyism, Stalinism, Maoism, etc.) is a metaphysical and underdeveloped distortion of the Marxist dialectic, for which Marx himself was partly but not entirely responsible (if we look at things with a reasonable, moderate retrospect).
The Marxist work has no essential relationship with the Leninist tradition which in fact and also ideologically-theoretically is nothing more than the construction of a state-capitalist or state-exploitative society in the context of the emergence of non-western statism and capitalism.
The irony of history. Marxism was that theoretical and ideological current which, through its founder Karl Marx, highlighted the term and profound political phenomenon of capitalist modernity wich called ''Bonapartism'', but it itself was proved (through simplifications, exaggerations and conversions by its main representatives) to as one of the more suitable "political and ideological backgrounds" (not the only one) for the development of this phenomenon.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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