Τετάρτη 22 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

Melodramatic anti-NATO language.

According to the melodramatic language of the left, NATO is a "criminal organization", while what was the "Warsaw Pact"? flower shop? and who did the operation in Czechoslovakia in 1968? The aliens? Who performed the operation in Hungary in 1956? People from space?

Who suppressed the free will of the Polish people? The inhabitants of Patagonia?

Who supported all the bloodthirsty Ba'athist regimes in the Arab world? William Shakespeare?

Who made the first invasion of Afghanistan after wolrldwar 2 ? Julius Caesar?

Yes, NATO can be called a criminal organization if the same is done with the Warsaw Pact, the pact of the pseudo-communist countries of non-existent - existing real or not, socialism.

Also, because there is the Hitlerist-Nazi-inspired argument that it is not permissible to have a NATO presence next to Russia, I would say the following:

Why shouldn't the opposite be the case when there was a Warsaw Pact? Let's say that next to Greece was Bulgaria, which was a member of the Warsaw Pact, so Greece had to declare war on Bulgaria according to this ugly "logic"?

The "logic" that next to a strong country there should be no threat, in the sense that there should be a ban on arming its neighbors if they belong to another military coalition or have alliances with the enemies of that powerful country was exactly  the argument used by the Nazis, in accordance with the doctrine of "living space". The same argument is used today by Turkey, which demands the disarmament of the Greek islands, because ... it is threatened by Greece. 

There was once an agreement to demilitarize the Greek islands, on the condition that the Greek minority in  Istanbul, Imvros and Tenedos [Greek islands under the Turkish state], be protected, and this did not happen: Happened rapes and arsons by Turkish nationalists (especially in Istanbul, where there were many) and the Greeks gones all out . 

So Turkey, using the same Nazi arguments as Russia, is calling for the demilitarization of the Greek islands because it says its hinterland is in danger. 

Lies, reversal of reality, violation of all international rules, brazen threats, immoral propaganda.

But let's continue:

And tell me, when Castro wanted to bring nuclear weapons to Cuba, was he right or not? If it did, why does Ukraine not have it accordingly, and if it did not, why are you defending Castro?

I forgot, you are also defending the adventurer handsome man Castro's comrade who would preferred a nuclear war event, to have nuclear weapons in Cuba.

Pro-Sovietism and later, today, pro-Russianism of the left is a spiritual cancer.


The fact that the imperialist east is not at the top of the imperialist pyramid does not make it any better. It probably makes it worse. See Germany in the interwar period. The vengeful ''wronged'' imperialist powers are always worse! Don't be so naive anymore! Both the new-Turks and Kemal came after the development of nationalism in the Balkans (which also operated with ethnic cleansing, etc.), showed themselves as victims of Western imperialism and finally ended up committing 3 genocides! not one, 3!

People of the east, workers of the east, wake up from your Marxist lethargy, is this Marxism? I don't know, but I know that you have not yet stood up, and listened the flattery of the anti-Western Western(!) leftists, which because they are incapable of making a workers' revolution in their countries are waiting for you as their ideological salvation but want you to defeat their own special internal class enemy, without caring about your own terrible internal class enemy, which is the Eastern imperialists and capitalists.

Let the western leftists defeat their own enemy mainly with their own forces, and then ask you for help for it, after letting you concentrate on your own enemy. 


I came to this world to whip you with truths. 

Your comrades in the west are constantly flattering you, calling you to their countries for help, because they are incapable of doing anything other than anarcho-syndicalism for high school students.

You come or live through the fire, you have crossed mountains and seas, you have been persecuted by rulers who do not joke, they kill in the cold, while the western left and anarchists have participated in marches at most, they may have thrown some Molotov cocktails, but they are unable to take part in any military revolutionary formation, and if some of them finally succeed, they are presented here in the west as if they were the gunpowder-smoked Guevara in person. They brag like generals about what a Kurdish or Afghan farmer does to defend himself daily against ISIS or the Taliban. 

Everything you have to do for yourself, and you do it anonymously, sacrificing yourself anonymously, for them it's a Joker movie adventure. 


The wrong anti-imperialist distance:

''Even though NATO provoked the war, this does not mean that we agree with Putin..''

The right anti-imperialist distance:

''Although Putin and Russia provoked the war, this does not mean that we agree with the West and the United States..''

Everything else is nonsense of people who have not understood the extreme reactionary role of the new Eastern imperialism. 

Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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