Κυριακή 19 Φεβρουαρίου 2023

The imminent democratic revolution..

The imminent democratic revolution in Iran has begun, still faintly, and must make way by rapidly and relentlessly breaking through the jungle of theocrats and Bonapartists, monarchists and sectarian Leninists, which surrounds it from its first moment.
To revolution, put aside all the Bonapartist delusionalists who think that the history of the abuse of the democratic and socialist ideal can be repeat forever.
The great democratic revolution in Russia is not called the "October revolution", ''October'' was the Bonapartist coup of the pseudo-communist Bolsheviks, which overthrew the democratic revolution and established from the first moment a state-capitalist totalitarian system of exploitation of the working class, extermination of the middle class and the poor peasantry, prohibition of free political activity, prohibition of the freedom of intellectuals, and had as its ideological culmination, as a Bonapartist coup, the calumniation (for centuries) of the sacred idea of a classless socialist society.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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