Παρασκευή 31 Μαρτίου 2023

''Assange is treated like a criminal, because he is a Russian spy..''

''Guess who is not talking about the Vulkan Files exposing Russian activities? Correct:
This obscure organization which claims to support whistleblowers and even bears "leaks" in the name "suspiciously" omits the revelations which embarrass Putin-Russia. One might assume that this is exactly that kind of event which would have them all over the place, but it's not, and it is not even the first time.
In 2016 the so-called "Surkovleaks" dropped. That leak revealed that Russian paratroopers (VDV) were directly involved in the battles in Donbas back in 2014, proving that the Russian military was directly involved and dispelling any claims of any kind of rebellion there. Wikileaks didn't mention the Surkovleaks even once.
Little earlier in 2016 before the Surkovleaks the Panamapapers dropped. Wikileaks was in the beginning very giddy to report on the Panamapapers since it involved many political enemies of them (and Russia). They changed, however, the tune once Putin and his friends got into crosshairs. Wikileaks was then quick to call it an "attack by Soros" (see first screenshot). This dogwhistle Anti-Semite claim is widely used by right-wing operators around the world. It was clear that Wikileaks didn't want Russia to be involved and tried to deflect all scrutiny where Putin has accumulate wealth on foreign bank accounts.
There have been numerous cases where Wikileaks reacted with critical and deflective responses when it was about Russia. Each separate event might have been a coincidence but the sheer amount of following cases prove a system behind it which cannot be even explained with "selective bias". This went far beyond that.
I have called out Wikileaks for their practices and the result can be seen in the 2nd screenshot. Therefore, I have no problems when Assange is treated like a criminal, because he is a Russian spy.
Wikileaks is a FSB front. A fighter for democracy, transparency and truth would never selectively treat all those leaks in such a different manner or even attack leaks unfavorably for a specific party.''
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος
''Assange is treated like a criminal, because he is a Russian spy..''
How do you feel now, oh awakened "leftist"? 
You should probably start to feel a little more ''less intelligent'', dialectical materialism doesn't always help you, my dear..


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