Σάββατο 11 Μαρτίου 2023

You are also corrupt, ruthless, cynical. Immoral idiots.

There is a rape of a person [a] by a person [b].
Person [a] has a friend and protector a person [c], who is the enemy of the person [b].
What does the super-internationalist left-wing cretin say?
"Neither [b] nor [c]. And [a] is to blame for the fact that the [b] raped him, since he had the friend [c]. Let him not have this friend. 
The [B] had warned him."
You say to the left idiot:
"But [a] befriended [c] to have a chance to escape rape from [b]"
The fool tells you:
"But he did not escape"
You answer him:
"[A] did not escape, but even if he had not befriended [c], [b] would have raped him. 
What do you have to say now? "
What should the idiot say?
He will say it again, neither [b] nor [c].
Idiots, idiots, idiots, idiots, immoral idiots. 

Trapped in moralisms that are reflected in a room in Hell. 
Scales that measure the weight of the victim's status, poisoned right-wing and left-wing moralists with double and triple criteria. Representatives of people they do not know or want to know through what they say, but only through ideological schemes.
Peoples who "deserve" and peoples who do not "deserve" moral mercy and moral interest, depending on the impersonal and ruthless ideological criteria created by an abstract ideology. 
Inverted images of enemies and friends. 
So many centuries of enlightenment, and now? that led? 
In raising flags and symbols, scales to weigh which people have the right to invoke their right? 
We speak as if there is a judge beyond us, while there is no transcendental judge and we know it. 
The most frustrating of all are not the theologians, the faithful and the theocrats, for whom we know how hypocritical or foolish they are, but the "atheists" of the Marxist essays who, although "atheists", speak and judge as if they possessed some sacred absolute and timeless criterion, and as representatives of some divine historical law.
In Them, religion has survived in its most hidden and indirect form, and is revived through abstract moral critiques that mean nothing more than another religion and theology.
"Are the Palestinians or the Ukrainians the most wronged?"
Yes, western capitalists judge by double standards, so what? are you different from that?
A specific rape is happening right now.
Judging by those who see only this rape and not others, you speak correctly but your correctness is also crooked, rotten. 
Why are you proposing it now? at the time of this rape?
Do you understand what you are doing wrong? no. 
Because your criticism of the hypocrisy of the West and its double standards is as hypocritical and ruthless as the hypocrisy of the West. 
When a rape happens and you are a Marxist (are you a Marxist?) and you emphasize that importance is given to this rape and not to others, you are not ultimately more moral but just as immoral.
Do not worry only if this rape is of interest to some hypocrites (western bourgeois) but must worry about the fact that it has not caught your attention as much as it should. 
Do you understand? No. 
You are also corrupt, ruthless, cynical.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος

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