Παρασκευή 17 Μαρτίου 2023

They will live without bosses masters and despots. This and Nothing else.

Can we imagine mature communism, perhaps even early communism, without a state at all? 
I don't find a logical justification for the complete disappearance of the democratic state, in a bunch of issues (such as the state guarantee of social security, pension and health), but this nexus of issues is one thing and another thing to imagine a superstate. 
We must someday learn to separate the structural levels of reality and try to hope for more only if we limit our gaze to what we can actually achieve even in a socialist revolution.
The most important perhaps possible but still unapproachable practical issue regarding workers' and social self-government is how we will unite in a coherent democratic form the direct democracy of the producers with the total representative form of this democracy and how this workers' democracy will be legislative body without being a "state".
In the only issue that I don't support the long-term final disappearance of the state, is in the state guarantee of social security of pension and helth of eldery.
The critique of wage slavery now presupposes a critique of labor power, although the critique of labor power must always presuppose the critique of wage slavery.
All the foggy philosophical problems of the 20th century are a mystified expression of this class-worker social and political revolutionary question.
The contemporary radical neo-Nietzschean theory of "body" (Badiou, Foucault, etc.), despite its epistemic achievements, spins the chains of the determination "labour power" within their corporeal self-determination, which remains as determination limited in the determination of "labour power" determination.
We need a new hegelian/neomarxist theory of the ''labour power''.
The expropriated working human lives his life confined to a reproduced body, to a limited bodysensibility, but it wants to break the chains of this limitation and be come up as a full and dignified human entity, that no longer to be seen as an a expendable physical body and a limited to the needs of material reproduction, entity.
The destruction of wage slavery and private property is the first necessary step for the freedom of human qualities and their self-determination.
Communism is the idea of a tortured working body that wants to live as a human.
In Communism people will not be called "Communists".
They will live without bosses masters and despots.
This and Nothing else.
Ιωάννης Τζανάκος


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