Τετάρτη 10 Μαρτίου 2021

"The epical resistance in Garê brought guerrillas closer to success"

YJA Star guerrilla Bêrîtan Botan and HPG guerrilla Mahîr Cûdî said that the epical resistance in Garê brought guerrillas closer to success. 

The invading Turkish army launched an operation in Garê on 10 February. The operation was called "Claçe-Kartal 2". More than 40 aircraft, dozens of helicopters, drones, soldiers and special forces were used by the Turkish state in its attack on Garê.

However, the resistance carried out by HPG guerrillas under the command of Şoreş Beytüşşebap, meant that the invasion attack was defeated on 14 February.

YJA Star guerrilla Bêrîtan Botan and HPG guerrilla Mahîr Cûdî talked about the resistance in Garê.

YJA Star guerrilla Bêrîtan Botan said that they were marching towards success together with the resistance in the guerrilla areas and added: "The enemy could not overcome the resistance of the Kurdistan freedom guerrilla in Garê, despite using a wide range of sophisticated technologies. The fascist Turkish state was defeated and had to retreat. We know that this attack was actually a continuation of the international conspiracy [which led to the abduction of Kurdish people’s leader Abdullah Ocalan on 15 February 1999]. This is why they planned this attack in February.

For us, defeating the enemy in Garê meant spoiling the international conspiracy. Defeating fascism is a success for us. Our will is strong; our goal is great. So we will resist until we succeed. Our goal is to live a free life together with Leader Ocalan and our people in a free Kurdistan. With this spirit, we will fight and succeed.”

For the Turkish army Garê was not the easy walk they imagined

HPG guerrilla Mahîr Cûdî emphasized that the guerrillas promised their people that they would protect Kurdistan against the invaders. "For the Turkish army, Garê was not the easy walk they imagined. Erdogan should have seen this. His plans were hit the guerrilla resistance. A great resistance was carried out against the comprehensive operation of NATO's second largest army under the leadership of Comrade Şoreş. We proved that will and determination can beat even the most sophisticated technology.”


ANF | "The epical resistance in Garê brought guerrillas closer ...



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